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    Fundamentals of Sports Training

    Fundamentals of Sports Training

    13 فبراير 2017, 15:21
    4 479

    Fundamentals of Sports Training يعتبر هذا الكتاب من الكتب الأم في منهجية التدريب الرياضي و هو للروسي ماتفييف Matveyev تحميل الكتاب

    book: 101 Great Youth Soccer Drills

    book: 101 Great Youth Soccer Drills

    25 نوفمبر 2015, 03:45
    2 775

    101 Great Youth Soccer Drills: Skills and Drills for Better Fundamental Play 101 Great Youth Soccer Drills is an exhaustive collection of the very best drills available, providing a solid foundation for you to build your players' skills. Filled with simple step-by-step instructions and