Dynamic simulation system in Shot Put
نظام المحاكاة الديناميكية في دفع الجلة
Dynamic simulation system in Shot Put
Shot put is a technically challenging discipline that requires high coordination ability and tremendous speed strength. The ball is placed on the finger roots and the throwing hand held next
to the chin to the neck side. The shot put technique involves a series of complex movements within a limited area of a circle which must have a diameter of 2.135m (± 5mm) with a board firmly fixed to the fingers connected to the ground outside the outer limits of the circle. The rules require that the shot must be spherical, and weigh 7260kg for men and 4,000kg for women (IAAF Competition Rules 2012-2013). The pushing phase in the shot put is main acceleration phase of the technical principle to the level to be attained power and release release velocity mit optimum
to the chin to the neck side. The shot put technique involves a series of complex movements within a limited area of a circle which must have a diameter of 2.135m (± 5mm) with a board firmly fixed to the fingers connected to the ground outside the outer limits of the circle. The rules require that the shot must be spherical, and weigh 7260kg for men and 4,000kg for women (IAAF Competition Rules 2012-2013). The pushing phase in the shot put is main acceleration phase of the technical principle to the level to be attained power and release release velocity mit optimum
Dr. Esam Eldin Shaaban A.H (2014): Associate Professor, Department of curriculums and instruction, Faculty of Physical Education, Assiut University, Egypt
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