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    Teaching Tools Pyramid

    24 فبراير 2017, 05:37
    الإدارة الرياضية والترويح
    1 464
    Teaching Tools Pyramid

    Teaching Tools Pyramid


    Like healthy food pyramid, teachers may follow the teaching tools pyramid, which shows us the percentage of teaching tools in regards to theoretical or practical subjects.

    A good, mean full & logic teaching process is one of the critical points which lead to reach the learning goals in proper way. Teachers use many kinds of teaching tools, which are dealing directly with the learning requirements, so they should design an advanced teaching strategy, in regards to the teaching tools and how, where, when use them during the teaching process.

    Teaching Tools Pyramid, designed as a road map for the major tools, or tool’s group and its percentage from 100% of teaching process.


    Teaching tools:

    1. Information 40%:

    Teachers should Provide huge volume of facts, theories, principles, data & other information to the students, regarding the subject. That information will help the students to found the best way of practice, and focus on their performance. The fact that without information we cannot involve any new field, and so students, they cannot be in any new educational situation without having enough information about that situation.

    The level of information should determine based on the student’s level. Giving complex information to the primary level of students, is totally wrong. Moreover, the information should be related to the subject in direct way, in order to avoid distraction and lack of focus. As a teacher, providing information will continue for all steps as a feedback.

    2. Practice 30%:

    Teachers should Provide the opportunity for all students to participate in the practice. Practice is the period when we can see the improvement, mistakes, weakness of performance. All students have to get the same chance to involve the practice, Therefor, teachers should design the exercises a way that allow all students get same participation chance. In order to success, we have to follow the golden principle (do, do & do).

    3. Success stories 15%:

    Confidence is the most important stage which all students must get it while they are in the educational situation. Providing some success stories, is the best way to reach that stage, and we have to be careful not to give many of it, to avoid a probable boredom or no exciting. Many of educational experts, believe that in each lesson we should provide minimum one success story for each student in the classroom.

    4. Self-challenge 10%:

    When we decide to assess the student’s performance, we have to design a challenging activity. That design of activity must be related to the individual needs of students. It is better to compare the student with himself, than compare him with his classmate, especially at the beginning. That kind of assessment shows the teachers the real improvement and the progress of his students individually.

    The most powerful motivation, is giving the students a chance to be in self-challenge situation. At that time, students will work hard to progress and improve their skills.

    5. Challenge others 5%:

    After the period of good practice, many success stories, and self-challenge, teachers may add some activities which provide the opportunity to the students in order to challenge their friends. However, challenge others should take the minimum percentage of the teaching tools, because it is critical tool, and teachers have to be careful about the kind of challenge others activities and its assessment.

    • http://www.idea-space.eu/idea/160/info

    * الدكتور سلام محمد الخطاط

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