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    Foot Reflexology

    25 أكتوبر 2011, 09:40
    التدليك - Massage
    7 258
    Foot Reflexology

    Foot Reflexology


    Foot Reflexology is a treatment designed to bring the entire body into a state of greater balance thru the massage of the feet. Many people prefer to give up their massges for a well done Foot Reflexology treatment as the hightened feeling of well being is that striking.


     Foot Reflexology is small to tiny massage movements and pressures along with stretching used all over the foot, top and bottom to release minute clogged tissues and meridians. Suited for people of all ages and body types. Records of this treatment are scattered all over the world on all continents and can be seen from as far back as 2,500 years inChinese and Indian medical texts. The beneficial results are a reason this treatment still continues to be practiced today. It is the Homeostasis respsonse in the body to the thousands of messages received via the nerves, the meridians and the body's overall capacity to communicate  with itself crossing system thru   system where you have a re-regulation of homeostasis.I have found there are two main styles of this treatment world wide : hard and soft. (my style is somewhere in the middle) I have traveled all over the world including Asian cultureswhere this treatment is practiced widely and received both styles from local practitioners. Foot reflexologyis an excellant treatment for individuals unable to receive full body massage.

    Foot Reflexology Chart

    On a personal note:

    I have experienced, myself the hard and soft styles from Singapore to Vietnam from Germany to Alaska. I have treated thousands of feet with Foot Reflexology  and I am particularly sensitve to each individuals feet. My application of this treatment is somewhere in the middle of the two styles. While this treatment could be very painful (hard style) the uncomfortableness needs to stay in a "release zone" one that is almost euphoric and equally relaxing. This treatment has a bad reputation in the United States because some therapists giving it and some  teachers teaching it in our country  hurt the individuals they are reflexing. I maintain a vigilent awareness of this with each client that trusts to me their aching feet. The best results from this treatment come from repeatitive consecutive treatments and can be received again and again for continued improved results. Also this treatment is well suited for individuals for whom body massage is not appropriate. This treatment can also be an add on treatment to your relaxing full body massage as in a mini (30 minute) or full (60 minute) treatment.

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