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    المكتبة الرياضية » كتب رياضية » Bruce Lee My method of combat

    Bruce Lee My method of combat

    24 مارس 2015, 12:53
    كتب رياضية
    3 153
    Bruce Lee My method of combat

    Bruce Lee Fighting Method All 4 Books 

     Bruce Lee: My method of combat (4 volumes)

    Bruce Lee was not only the great actor that everyone knows.

    Most of his life he devoted himself to the study of martial arts and became an incomparable expert.
    Today, if a man is not his knowledge remains accessible. Find out in this unique collection, the different facets of his amazing method of combat: the JEET KUNE Do. It achieves an excellent synthesis of traditional teachings of martial arts.
    Find out in this pack the various facets of his amazing combat method: JEET HUNE the DO.
    It achieves an excellent synthesis of traditional teachings of martial arts.


    These books are a download:

    Volume 1: The self defense

    Volume 2: Basic Training

    Volume 3: Thorough Training

    Volume 4: Advanced Techniques





    Download Torrent


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